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Introducing the sacred Janeu, also known as the sacred thread, an emblem of purity and divine bliss. Each Janeu consists of three threads, made up of eight cotton yarns, tied together at one place with seven knots. These knots are purified by reciting the Gayatri mantra. Worn from the left shoulder, crossing the chest to the right side of the waist, the Janeu enhances purity and bestows long life. It's a consecrated thread worn by Hindu Brahmins, symbolizing the journey from boyhood to manhood.

This auspicious pack contains 20 pairs of Janeu threads, each pair symbolizing the wearer's connection with the Hindu Trinity or other divine entities. For different caste groups, the type of Janeu varies, but its significance remains universal. It's not just for Brahmins; Kshatriyas and Vaishyas also wear it.
The Janeu isn't just a thread; it's a path to self-realization, connecting the wearer with past, present, and future deeds, as well as heavenly realms. By wearing a pair of Janeu threads, individuals embark on a journey towards spiritual enlightenment and higher consciousness.
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